Download Purified Tick Antiserum Information Pack
Purified Tick Antiserum
Purified Tick Antiserum for Cats
Purified Tick Antiserum for Cats
This product is not registered and is only available under APVMA PERMIT NUMBER 90764 to a registered veterinarian.
Constituent Statements
Anti-Ixodes holocyclus immunoglobulin (>500 units/mL). Contains no preservative.
This highly purified tick antiserum helps to reduce the clinical signs of tick paralysis in cats caused by Ixodes holocyclus by neutralising circulating toxin.
Net Contents
5 mL
Directions for Use
To be used by, or under the direct supervision of, a registered veterinary surgeon
Purified Tick Antiserum is a highly purified immunoglobulin product derived from dogs and is foreign protein when administered to cats. There is still potential for an acute anaphylactoid response to intravenous administration however this risk is low due to the purification process.
It is recommended to pre-medicate the patient with dexamethasone and antihistamine to minimise the risk of adverse reactions.
Purified Tick Antiserum should be diluted in sterile saline diluent, warmed to body temperature, and administered by slow intravenous infusion over 20 minutes. Administration should cease if adverse reaction occurs, in which case consider administration of adrenaline, but re-administration by slow intravenous infusion may be possible.
Side Effects
Facial swelling (occasional). Anaphylaxis (rare)
Dosage and Administration
Purified Tick Antiserum should be administered as soon as possible after envenomation has occurred.
Diagnosis is usually based on clinical signs of lower motor neurone paralysis, characteristic respiratory distress, and confirmed where possible by the presence and species identification of an engorged paralysis tick.
Purified Tick Antiserum should not be considered the only treatment. Supportive care of affected cats is important for uncomplicated recovery. In severely affected cases mechanical ventilation may be required to support breathing or other forms of oxygen supplementation for those less severely affected. Cats should be hospitalised, stress minimised, and supported with appropriate fluid and nutritional therapy. Antibiotics may be indicated to minimise infection from aspiration events. Cats should be repeatedly searched for ticks as missed ticks can be fatal. Appropriate acaricidal treatment should also be administered at the discretion of the attending veterinarian.
All cases should initially receive no less than one vial of Purified Tick Antiserum. Large cats (>6 kg) and severely affected cats should preferably receive two vials until further data on dosing studies is available. The time from administration of tick antiserum to clinical improvement has been reported as a minimum of 12 hours. Cats that have previously had tick antiserum or canine blood products are at higher risk of anaphylaxis to repeat administration. Treatment with a single large dose of Purified Tick Antiserum as early as possible in the disease process is recommended rather than attempting to titrate the dose to clinical effects.
General Directions
Purified Tick Antiserum is prepared by extensive purification of canine tick antiserum. The canine tick antiserum is fractionated, and a highly purified immunoglobulin concentrate prepared containing negligible canine serum albumin and other non-immunoglobulin proteins.
Leister, E., J. Morton, R. Atwell and R. Webster (2018). Clinical presentations, treatments and risk factors for mortality in cats with tick paralysis caused by Ixodes holocyclus: 2077 cases (2008-2016). J Feline Med Surg 20(6): 465-478.
Padula, A. M. (2016). Tick Paralysis of Animals in Australia. Clinical Toxinology: Clinical Toxinology. P. Gopalakrishnakone, S. M. A. Faiz, C.
A. Gnanathasan et al. Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands: 1-20.
Padula, A. M., E. M. Leister and R. A. Webster (2020). Tick paralysis in dogs and cats in Australia: treatment and prevention deliverables from 100 years of research. Aust Vet J 98(1-2): 53-59.
Safety Directions
Care should be taken to avoid accidental self-injection.
First Aid Instructions
In the event of accidental self-injection, seek medical advice immediately.
Additional User Safety
TWhile this product is well tolerated by cats, there is a risk of serious adverse effects in humans associated with accidental self-injection.
Dispose of empty containers, outer packaging or expired product by wrapping with paper and putting in garbage. Discarded needles should immediately be placed in a designated and appropriately labelled ‘sharps’ container.
Store between 2°C and 8°C (Refrigerate. Do not freeze.) Protect from light.